How to help seniors with poor eyesight

Categories: Aging in Place  |   Education  |  

There are several ways to help seniors with poor eyesight:

  1. Encourage regular eye exams: It's essential to make sure seniors have regular eye exams to detect any vision problems and receive proper treatment.
  2. Improve lighting: Make sure the lighting in their home is bright enough, and there are no shadows or glares. Add extra lamps or lights in areas where they spend the most time. View lighting options on Amazon #ad
  3. Use contrasting colors: Using contrasting colors can help seniors distinguish between different objects, especially in areas like the kitchen where it's essential to differentiate between different foods and cooking tools.
  4. Use large print: Purchase large print books, magazines, and newspapers to make reading more accessible. Also, consider buying large print calendars and clocks.
  5. Make adjustments to technology: Increase font size on electronic devices such as phones, tablets, and computers. There are also apps and settings available that can help seniors with vision problems.
  6. Provide magnifiers: Provide magnifiers to help with reading and other activities that require close-up work. View magnifiers on Amazon (#ad)
  7. Encourage eye-healthy habits: Encourage seniors to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and protecting their eyes from the sun.

By implementing these tips, seniors can maintain their independence and enjoy a better quality of life.

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