Expert Tips for Handling Senior Denture Disasters

Categories: Dental  |   Health  |  

As people age, they may face challenges with their oral health, including the loss of dentures. Losing dentures can be a stressful situation for the elderly, but there are steps that can be taken to address this issue effectively.

Stay Calm and Reassure

First and foremost, it is important to stay calm and reassure the elderly individual who has lost their dentures. Losing dentures can be embarrassing and frustrating, so offering support and understanding is crucial.

Search Carefully

Encourage the elderly person to search carefully in the immediate area where they last remember having their dentures. Check common places like the bathroom, bedroom, or dining area. It's also a good idea to check under furniture or in pockets of clothing.

Contact the Dentist

If the dentures cannot be found after a thorough search, it is important to contact the dentist as soon as possible. The dentist can provide guidance on next steps, including whether new dentures need to be made or if temporary solutions are available.

Temporary Solutions

While waiting for a replacement set of dentures, there are temporary solutions that can be used. Dental adhesive or denture repair kits can help hold the existing dentures in place until a new set can be made.

Prevent Future Loss

To prevent future loss of dentures, it is important to establish a routine for denture care and storage. Encourage the elderly individual to always remove their dentures before bed and to store them in a safe place, such as a denture case.

Remember, losing dentures can happen to anyone, and it is important to handle the situation with patience and understanding. By following these steps, you can help the elderly individual navigate this challenging experience with grace and support.

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