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What should you do if your parent with dementia forgets your name?

What should you do if your parent with dementia...

Remember that your parent's memory loss is not a reflection of their love or feelings towards you. It's important to approach the situation with patience and compassion, and to focus...

What should you do if your parent with dementia...

Remember that your parent's memory loss is not a reflection of their love or feelings towards you. It's important to approach the situation with patience and compassion, and to focus...

When is the right time to talk with a parent about moving into a nursing home?

When is the right time to talk with a parent ab...

Deciding when to talk to a parent about moving into a nursing home can be a difficult and sensitive topic. We've compiled some factors to consider when determining the right time...

When is the right time to talk with a parent ab...

Deciding when to talk to a parent about moving into a nursing home can be a difficult and sensitive topic. We've compiled some factors to consider when determining the right time...

What should I do if my family member with dementia has potty accidents?

What should I do if my family member with demen...

Dealing with potty accidents in a family member with dementia can be a difficult and embarrassing situation. We've collected some tips on how to handle this situation.

What should I do if my family member with demen...

Dealing with potty accidents in a family member with dementia can be a difficult and embarrassing situation. We've collected some tips on how to handle this situation.

What is Dementia?

What is Dementia?

Dementia is a term used to describe a group of symptoms that are associated with a decline in cognitive function.

What is Dementia?

Dementia is a term used to describe a group of symptoms that are associated with a decline in cognitive function.