Get Woofin': Pros of Having a Dog as You Age

Categories: Aging in Place  |   Animals  |  

Owning a dog can be beneficial for many elderly individuals, but it's essential to consider the specific needs and circumstances of the senior in question. Here are some advantages and considerations to keep in mind when thinking about whether it's good for an elderly person to have a dog:

Advantages of Seniors Having Dogs:

1. Companionship: Dogs can provide companionship and reduce feelings of loneliness, which can be prevalent among seniors, especially if they live alone.

2. Physical Activity: Owning a dog encourages physical activity, as seniors need to walk and care for their pets. Regular exercise can help maintain mobility and overall health.

3. Routine and Purpose: Caring for a dog establishes a routine and gives seniors a sense of purpose and responsibility, which can be particularly beneficial for those who are retired or have a lot of free time.

4. Emotional Support: Dogs offer emotional support and can help reduce stress and anxiety. The act of petting a dog has been shown to lower blood pressure and release feel-good hormones.

5. Social Interaction: Dogs can serve as social icebreakers, making it easier for seniors to connect with neighbors and other dog owners during walks or visits to the dog park.

6. Safety: Having a dog can provide a sense of security and deter potential intruders.

Before getting a dog, it's advisable for the senior and their family to carefully assess their readiness for pet ownership and choose a dog that matches their lifestyle and capabilities. In many cases, adopting an older, calmer dog from a shelter may be a better fit for elderly individuals, as these dogs often require less training and exercise compared to puppies. Additionally, involving family members or a pet-sitting service can provide support when needed. Ultimately, the decision to have a dog should be made with the best interests of the senior and the dog in mind.

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